How To Become The Best Freelance Writer

You love to write, and you have seen contemporaries resigning from their day jobs and making a good living doing freelance writing.

Why not become one as well? You start entertaining the question: How to become the best freelance writer in the business?

No one can stop you from making this giant leap of faith. You can choose to make the transition slowly if you please. You can do it part-time first before finally ditching your desk job.

There are specific guidelines and industry practices that you should be familiar with if you want to become the best writer in town.

Here are tips that you can apply from the Work at Home Woman:

Discover If Freelance Lifestyle Is For You

Being a freelance writer gives you control over your time and allows you to work whenever you want to.

You have to keep in mind that you need to be disciplined, organized and follow a daily routine. If you want to become the best freelance writer you need to have self-control.

You have to give same treatment that you previously gave to your 9 to 5 job. The only difference now is that you have a choice on when to complete your working hours.

As long as you stick with deadlines, then you are good. Since you are now self-employed, you need to work even harder because you don’t have the same benefits as a regular employee.

There is now no more health, dental, vacation, sick leave and all other benefits like paid holidays and bonuses that you used to take for granted.

To know if the lifestyle is for you, you can begin by writing a blog daily. If you love to write on a daily basis, then freelance writing is something worth considering.

Full time or Part time

Working as a freelance writer does not have to be a full-time gig. You can juggle between writing and other income streams that you also enjoy doing.

Starting out, you can retain your day job and do freelance writing on the side during weekends or at night. The amount of time you can spend on your writing will determine how great you can be as a freelance writer. Experience and skills are learned over time which allows you to command a higher rate in the future.

Find Your Niche

It’s essential that you choose at least one writing niche that you can master. Writers who can write about anything are a dime a dozen. The best paying projects are for experts in a particular field.

Some topics that you can choose to focus on are: health, SEO, business, finance, credit and so much more.

Choose a topic that has a high demand so that opportunities will keep on coming.

For those who have a college degree, you can use it to your advantage. Although many good writers don’t have degrees, you can dictate your rates based on your educational attainment in some instances.

Writing is easier if you are comfortable with the niche that you choose to focus on. As you continue to write about a specific field your level of expertise on that subject also increases exponentially. You can give more value to your clients by coming up with excellent work.

Build Your Portfolio

If you want to attract new clients, you need to make a showcase of your work. Publishers find it hard to buy writing if they don’t know the quality and writing style that you possess.

You can email links to previous work or attach sample writings with your applications. Blogs are now easier to set up than ever before. There are one-click installations that you can take advantage of and use for your new blog site.

Show your work and act professional even if you are not employed. Be serious with your freelance career if you want to build a vast portfolio.

Be Visible Online

Publishing your blog is just the first step in becoming a successful freelance writer.

The next step is to attract traffic and visibility to your blog site. Being active online on the various social media platforms can give you an edge over the competition.

You can also start networking with other writers, bloggers, and influencers. Join freelance writing communities and forums.

You don’t just build relationships with your peers but also open the door for referrals and new clients.

Create profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google plus.

Clients expect you to bring in more traffic to their site with your writing skills. Content provision is one of the areas that you can help provide for your clients.

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