How We Travel Full-Time On $1,400 Per Month

Next up in my Extraordinary Series is Melissa Nance and Wade Smith from The Penny Pinching Globetrotter. They have been traveling full-time for four years and on a low budget of just $1,400 per month. This includes all of their living expenses as well as money spent on travel.

In August of 2015, Melissa found out she had cancer and spent lots of time thinking about what she wanted the rest of her life to look like.

Travel was at the top of her list, and she was determined to find a way to make it happen.

Neither her nor her husband had a remote job, so they found other ways to make it work, such as her husband working for U.S. National Parks for free camp stays and income.

They have visited 15 national parks, 20 national monuments, camped in 21 states, visited 7 countries, and more.

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