Blogging TipsPodcast

Branding and Marketing: What’s the Difference?

If you’re thinking about starting a business, you’ll need your own brand, and you’ll also need to market your products or services. But figuring out the difference between branding and marketing can be tricky. There’s definitely overlap between the two, but they’re not the same—and you need to know the difference if you want to build a successful business.

In this post, I’ll talk about how branding and marketing differ, and how they work hand-in-hand!

What Is Branding?

Before we can discuss the difference between branding and marketing, we need to lay some groundwork—and we’ll start with branding.

So what exactly is a brand? It can be a tricky thing to define, but think of it as your business’ unique personality combined with the way the world perceives that personality.

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