Blogging Tips

8 Steps I Took To Save $200,000 By Age 27

Today, I want to introduce you to Sean. He is a financial analyst by day and money blogger by night. He saved over $200,000 by age 27 and plans to retire in less than 10 years. Enjoy!

No, that headline never gets any less surreal the more I read it.

And no, I wasn’t a lucky lottery winner or a privileged trust fund beneficiary. (Unfortunately)

Instead, I got my money building start at the oh-so-glamorous position of digging ditches in the scorching Texas summers. When I eventually saved up a whopping $500, I opened my first savings account. From there, I took a few years working up the courage to invest in the stock market, and then I held my breath in terror, hoping I didn’t lose everything during the recession.

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I then strapped in for a wild ride past all sorts of neat milestones – $25,000 by age 23 and $100,000 by age 25, when I started my blog.

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